lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Religión y Moral

"But lets talk for a moment about the supposed link between morality and and religion, it seems to me that religion gives people bad reasons to be good where good reasons are actually available. I mean me ask your self which is more moral? Helping the poor, feeding the hungry, defending the week out of a mere concern for their well being or doing so because you think the creator of the universe wants you to do it? The truth is people do not need to be threatened with damnation to love their children, to love their friends, to want to collaborate with strangers or indeed to recognize that helping strangers can be one of their greatest sources of happiness and what kind of morality is it that is entirely predicated on a self interested desire to escape the damnation? This seems to by pass the very core of what we mean by morality which is at actual concern for the welfare of other human beings. Clearly it is possible to teach our children to form such a concern and to grow in empathy and compassion with out lying to ourselves or to them about the nature of the universe, with out pretending to know things we do not know. You can teach your children the golden rule as an utterly wise ethical precept without pretending to know that Jesus was born of a virgin. I mean it's also worth observing that the most atheist societies on the planet like Sweden and Denmark and the Netherlands are in many respects the most moral."

Extracto de la ponencia

"The Clash Between Faith and Reason" 

de Sam Harris

1 comentario:

emejota dijo...

Afortunadamente muchas personas de tu generacion ha sido ya educada en esta percepcion evidente, aunque cierta sociedad necesite de formalismos reminiscentes e ignorantes para sentirse segura. Puro folklore y poquito dotado de luces emocionales quienes se lo crean a pies juntillas.Un abrazo.